Monday, April 2, 2018

Lessons From Friends

As I look back on this post from over 6 years ago, I'm rejuvenated and inspired.  I realize how much I've changed and grown.  My goals today originate internally instead of externally. I have more passion to reach my goals because they are deep seated desires that come from my life's purpose. This makes it much easier to sustain and obtain. 

And yet there are some parts that are still me. I have the same goal setting mindset. I'm still growing. I'm still learning. I now have a better grasp on myself and my motivations. 

Hello! I hope this finds you brimming with good cheer. If not, put the kettle on and brew up your favorite tea. I had a nice visit this afternoon with my neighbor and her visiting daughter. They are such a fun pair. I know I should visit my neighbor more often. She's a sassy lady who always seems to bring a smile to my face. And her daughter, though still slightly older than me, always seems to inspire me.
Beatles poster is now gone. :(

This time she lost over 30 lbs. by following a few healthy guidelines. It's so amazing that I have to share it with you. She started by using Fitbit. She'd make a step goal and then surpass it. At the same time, she changed her eating habits. She let go of the fancy coffees and went plain black. She said no to the rich desserts and only took a small piece on special occasions. But mainly she walked and walked until she was over her goal. Then she upped her goal.

I'm so in such awe of this smart, intelligent woman who took control of her health. And I wonder what I can learn from her success. First thing I think I can learn is to really make a goal. I have a goal on my pedometer, but sometimes I think I'm happy getting close to my goal. I make excuses for myself. That's not the way to be successful. I need to pick a reasonable goal and then surpass it and then up it.

I already avoid coffee unless black and avoid sugar. But I can eat much more vegetables and fruits and less grains and even my homemade bread. I can get healthier food at the store instead of what looks quick and easy.

Sometimes, I seem to make excuses for myself. "Well, your back hurts."  "You've had a long day at work." Blah, blah, blah. I can come up with anything for an excuse. But I need to think of my neighbor's daughter. She didn't let excuses stop her from moving toward her goals and I shouldn't either. I hope this blog has had you thinking about your goals, whatever they are. I hope you find renewed energy to take your goals one step further. The happiness I've seen from someone progressing toward their goals has definitely inspired me toward better goal monitoring. I hope it does you, too.