Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Turning Point

It's been a wild and interesting day. Winds over 25 mph with a little sun and a few snow flurries. I wasn't expecting snowflakes today. And that's what makes life interesting.

Have you ever felt like you've made a turn on your path and you know it's going to get better? I've been thinking about this lately and thought it was time to share. A few years back my health took a turn for the worse. I can't explain how it happened, but every time I'd sit down I had pain in my hips and groin. It was scary. My skin turned red and that really freaked me out.

So I decided to see what my dermatologist thought. He put me on a different allergy medicine, but it didn't go away. I got to the point where I didn't want to sit down. I didn't want to eat and I was weak. I'd sit and cry because I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

My doctor (a substitute because mine was on vacation) thought maybe I became allergic to some medicine I was taking. So I changed a medicine. A week or two went by and no change. So I decided on my own to stop taking Pravastatin. It's not a smart idea to stop that drug cold turkey, but I didn't care. And it didn't make a difference.

Luckily for my pocketbook this was during a Christmas break. I remember laying in bed trying to read a Perry Mason book and I'd watch as my lower abdomen jumped up and down. I was miserable! I don't know what would have happened to me if Mom wasn't around. I called her and asked if I could stay with her for a little bit. She came over and picked me up. And when I couldn't stand it anymore, she took me to urgent care. There they put me through a CAT scan and couldn't find anything. Then they decided to do a sonogram of my ovaries and uterus. And that was fine. The most they did to help me was give me some muscle relaxers. And that didn't work either.

Mom made me start eating and that helped some. When I finally saw my regular doctor she told me to do crunches and it's not life threatening. She was more worried about getting me back on some cholesterol medicine. That's when I told myself, "No way am I doing that again." And I didn't. I started taking Plexus Slim and now my cholesterol is normal, but I still have the tingling and pressure when I sit.

And it makes me sad to admit this, but I got plum tired of talking about it. I did sit ups everyday as part of my morning routine. But I never told anyone I was still in pain when I sat down. I suffered in silence.  Then one day I was driving down the road and I truly believe God spoke to me. I'd been listening to some of my friends talk about going to a chiropractor. Now you have to understand, my family doesn't got to chiropractors. When I was growing up they were on the fringe of the medical system. I really didn't know much about what they do. But everywhere I turned I had a friend talking about going to the chiropractor. I'd quiz them about it. None of their problems sounded like mine. But as I was in the car that day thinking about how my friends were getting help from chiropractors, that's when I felt God told me, "What if you tried a chiropractor?" I didn't have an answer. I'd got to the point I expected that this was arthritis or something chronic that I was going to have to suffered with for the rest of my life. It hasn't killed me so far.

Now I can be impulsive, but not with important things like health and money. I've spent months thinking about purchasing a new bed before I actually went out and bought one. This was the same thing. A friend of mine has her whole family go to a chiropractor in a neighboring town. And she had nothing but good things to say about her. But it took me going online to my insurance company and seeing she was in network for me to make the decision to call the office for an appointment.

I called on a Friday and the receptionist acted like I could get in anytime next week. I was shocked. What kind of doctor has openings like that? But I made an appointment for Wednesday and kept it. I didn't know what to expect. I had a little trouble navigating the streets in that town, but finally made it on time, too. I walked in to a bright yellow room that was empty except for the receptionist. I had previously completed all the paperwork from the website. And there were a lot of questions, 195 to be exact. I was nervous because I didn't know what was going to happen. The doctor came out and took me to a room. I answered a few questions and she wanted height, weight and x-rays. We went in another room to do that and she asked me to wait while she developed the x-rays. I sat in the yellow waiting room and played Candy Crush to calm my nerves. I still wasn't sure what was going to happen or how this was going to help me.

After about 15 minutes and a couple patients had come and gone, she came back for me. She had the x-rays lit up showing my hips. She told me my right hip was tilted and I could actually see the pubic bone lower on the right than the left. I also had two discs that were twisted in opposite directions. I had a problem! Yes, someone actually told me there was something wrong! It took an old fashioned x-ray machine and a chiropractor to tell me what was wrong with me. I want to kick myself for not doing this sooner, but I can't. Right now I am too relieved. I've got a plan for how I'm going to get better. I have someone who knows what's wrong and that's why I feel I've made a right  turn to something better in the future. I'm not better yet, but just knowing what's wrong with me makes me feel like I can deal with this. So I'll turn back to my first question. Have you felt like you've made a turn on this path of life and know things are going to get better?

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