Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dreary to Bright

Some days you just want a big glass of iced tea and your jammies. Today is that day for me. Winter has been too hormonal for me lately. Beautiful and sunny, then cold and dreary. This week has started warm and wet and now it's cold and wet. I don't think wet's the best word here. It's dang soggy.

Today I got up and started running late. I don't why.  I couldn't decide what to wear with the temperatures warm in the morning and supposed to drop during the day. I didn't plan on anything for lunch, so I had to traipse out into the rain to get some fast food. My car windows were so fogged up I couldn't see. Let's just say it was a messy day. I did get some iced tea, though.

After work, I came home to huge puddles in the yard and 37 degrees out with rain. It was nasty. I had to get the trash out because I never remember on Wednesday mornings. So my cute dress shoes got soaked. Let's face it, I was soaked!

On my way back to the car to get my stuff, I saw something that made me smile. In my trunk was a box and in the box was a bouquet of flowers. Yes, right about the time you think spring is never going to get here, you get some pretty flowers to brighten up your day. As it turned out, I got these from my principal. I didn't realize why, she just said, "Happy end of the day." But I wasn't going to pass up flowers! After I got inside, changed my clothes and put those pretties in a nice vase with water I checked my email and found out how I became a recipient of flowers for no reason.

It seems that my principal has a very thoughtful brother. He brought her about 20 bouquets of flowers today. She decided to share with as many of the staff as she could. So I guess she was going down the halls distributing flowers. I'm so glad she stopped at my room. And that's pretty cool of her brother to bring them to her.

My brother is similar. Although he lives two states away and can't just bring something over. But he's done some neat things for my team. One year he bought the science department some neat shirts. They said, "I'm a science teacher... just like a normal teacher, but much cooler." The next year he got us some School House Rock shirts. "Knowledge is Power". Those gifts made us feel really special, similar to getting a bouquet of flowers for no particular reason.

A day that could have stayed blah and dreary got brightened up. Here's hoping your day is bright and cheerful. If you can do something to make someone smile, do it.

Have you got a story about brightening someone's day? Share it in the comments. I'd love to read it.

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