Sunday, February 11, 2018

My Big Bang Secret

This isn't easy to admit, but until this past summer I'd never watched a full episode of The Big Bang Theory. And I can tell you why. I saw the name of the show and several commercials then thought that can't be funny. You see, in my first few years of teaching middle school science I taught about the origin of the universe. This had to include the Big Bang Theory. It was anything but funny. I made sure to emphasize what a scientific theory actually means, but that didn't necessarily sink into all students' brains.

During the summer of 2017 I actually watched a few episode of The Big Bang Theory on the TBS network. And it was about physicists who were quirky and funny. And I was hooked after a few episodes. I wondered how this show started and how these characters met. So I started purchasing the DVDs online.

I was so excited when I got the first season. I watched as Sheldon and Leonard met Penny in the first episode. They were so geeky. Leonard could hardly talk when he asked (not really) her to have lunch with them. And it may have been stereotyped. Okay it was definitely stereotyped, but it was endearing and it was sweet. But most of all, it was funny.

I watched as Leonard bent over backwards to impress Penny and get up the nerve to ask her out. I watched Sheldon's lack of social skills, even though I didn't really fully understand him. Raj wouldn't or couldn't speak in the presence of females and that was odd and humorous at the same time.

Over the course of the summer, I finally understand what so many Big Bangers already knew. This show is funny and the characters have definitely evolved over the series. So here's my take on these interesting characters.

When I first encountered Sheldon I thought he was bossy, judgmental and had some serious obsessive issues. He really didn't have to act like was Howard beneath them because he was an engineer. At the beginning of the series, Sheldon wasn't very likable in my opinion. And then something happened. He started opening up to Penny. And by the time the Intimacy Acceleration episode came along, I was crying when Sheldon told Penny how he felt in social situations.

Leonard seemed the most normal of this whole group. That is if physicists can't hold a normal conversation with a non scientific female. And it was interesting to see how he let Leslie Winkle take charge of their relationship. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Leonard is somewhat wimpy in his relationships. This can be with Sheldon, Penny, Leslie or even his mother.

I just have to admit right off the bat, that I was never really fond of Howard. I did feel for him when Sheldon was mean to him, but that's the extend of my compassion. Howard tried his best to be a womanizer. He thought his magic was romantic. He was an extreme mamma's boy and later transferred that over to his wife. He's best friends with Raj, but at the same time treated him poorly. In the current season when Raj told him he wasn't gonna take it anymore, I cheered for him.

Raj went from not being able to talk around women to being able to talk to them if he was drinking. That made for some funny scenes. Eventually when he was upset, he ended up talking to Penny without libation. Now he's had some relationships. He got a big head when he was dating two women at once, but overall, Raj is just a nice astrophysicist guy and I like his current wavy hair.

Penny started out as a midwestern girl trying to get her break in acting. But she ended up with a job at the Cheesecake Factory. Living across the hall from Leonard and Sheldon she develops a close friendship with the guys. I liked The Dead Hooker Juxtapositon episode when Penny realized another girl was using the guys to do chores for her. I think in that episode Penny realized how much she really cared for the guys. It was fun to watch Penny and Leonard's on and off again relationship until they finally tied the knot. Penny went from actress/waitress to actress to pharmacist salesperson. Sometimes we have to do what we have to do to earn a living and she learned that the hard way.

Bernadette was introduced as a waitress co worker of Penny's. She was working on her doctorate degree. Penny set her up with Howard. They dated and then she broke it off. Howard came to her work and sang a song for her and she seemed to like it. I thought it was creepy. Eventually, they married. Howard's mother died. That was one time, I did have some sympathy for Howard. Then they had their baby, Halley. Now Bernadette is expecting their second child. Bernadette is small and feisty. I think she has to be to deal with Howard. She brought in the second major female role into the series and she doesn't have the sympathy for the other characters like Penny does.

Amy was computer chosen match for Sheldon when Howard and Raj set up a dating profile for him. Once they met, they clicked. Sheldon called her a friend for a quite a while before he made a relationship agreement with her. Amy has the patience of a saint in my book. She's neurobiologist that Sheldon finds that to be a lesser science than physics. One of my favorite episodes involves her pretending to be sick after she healed just to get more attention from Sheldon. At the end when he has her bend over his lap and spanks her I about died laughing. Amy is very insecure in her relationship with Penny and Bernadette. She never had female friends and doesn't always know the dynamics. She immediately decided that Penny was her best friend and had that weird portrait of them painted. I like that Amy has developed into Sheldon's social director. As the seasons go by she gets those social dynamics much better than Sheldon. She really complements him in that manner.

In my perfect Big Bang Theory, they would bring in a good looking and smart geologist who comes up with some new discovery to really shake up Sheldon's idea that geology is the least of the sciences. I'm so glad I took the time to watch all the episodes in this series. Now why didn't one of my science peeps turn me on to this show sooner?

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