Saturday, February 3, 2018

Crochet and Tea

Time for a little mix berry tea in a pretty pot and cup with saucer. They don't completely match, but that's okay. They were my Grandma's and that's good enough for me. Sometimes I feel like our lives get too busy to stop and do something simple like drinking tea out of bone china or  even making tea in a teapot. Other activities some may call "old fashion" may also be falling away. We take selfies, share gifs, watch Netflix, but do we take the time do real crafts?

Last year I made well over a dozen crocheted snowflakes to give away with my Christmas cards. They were pretty and could hang on Christmas trees, if desired. It took some time to make, but I enjoy crocheting and it made me feel good to make a snowflake for my friends.

This week a friend crocheted something for me. It's so nice to see first hand that I'm not the only person out there crocheting. Over the years I've crocheted scarves, small blankets, and yes way back I used to make doilies. And I find it a relaxing hobby most of the time. When you make a mistake, you can easily rip the stitches out and start over. When you get into a rhythm time just seems to fly. One problem I've noticed though, when you want to combine tea and crochet is that you can get so wrapped up in crochet that your hot tea gets cold. Actually that happens when I'm typing, too.

Here's the cute cup a friend made for me. It can be a little coaster for a tea mug or be placed on top of your cup to keep the tea warm while I'm typing or crocheting. What a clever crochet project!

Crocheting may be an old craft, but it serves purposes today also. It keeps your mind active. Reading those patterns can be challenging.  You do have to learn those abbreviations and stitches. But it's not too hard. Crocheting also keeps your hands and fingers nimble. So you're doing finger exercises as you work. I'd hate to see crocheting fall by the side for more technology oriented endeavors. So I might have to find a new crochet project. Any ideas?

Do any of you crochet? What do you make?

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