Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Fraidy Cat

Sometimes a nice cup of tea and a phone call can make all the difference. And sometimes it takes more. So here's my fraidy cat story. First of all, I'm a very level headed person, most of the time. I pride myself on my use of logic and intuition to understand most situations. That being said, there was one time I lost my cool.

It was Sunday night and I was alone. I'd suffered through freezing rain with a touch of snow and cold weather. I got the call that school was cancelled for Monday. I decided to stay up a little later and kept watching Midsomer Murders. It was a good one about bullies who killed a boy and then he came back and started killing them 20 years later. It was creepy! And they killed him by drowning him. It was atrocious as far as I was concerned. So let's just say I really got involved in it. I even yelled at Barnaby to watch out before he was tied up and gagged with duct tape.

This episode was over about 10:30 and I turned off the television. I started checking email and playing online. Then I heard a bang from the ceiling. I thought, "What the heck?" I noticed the heater was running; so that wasn't broken. So I shrugged it off... until a couple minutes later it banged again in another part of the ceiling. Now this is strange. So I closed up my laptop and stood up waiting to see if it would happen again. And it did. Now I'm really concerned.

Situations started going through my mind. Could there be an animal in the attic? Did something break up there? Oh my gosh, my neighbor had told me a story about a drugged up guy on someone's roof in town. Did I have someone on the roof?

I opened my front door. Because of the icy roads, there was no traffic out there. And I was too scared to go out on the porch. So I listened from the doorway. It banged inside, but I didn't hear it from the outside. Now I was really freaked out. I shoved my slipper socked feet into some snow boots, snatched a coat from the closet, found my flashlight and headed out back. My patio was a slippery mess, so as soon as I could, I gingerly stepped onto the grass. I was in no mood to try out my Nancy Kerrigan moves. I got out as far as I dared into the dark night and directed my flashlight toward the roof. Back and forth I waved the visible waves of light, but I couldn't find a thing on the roof except my satellite dish.

So I went back inside and heard the banging some more. It was about 10:40 and I hoped my mom was still up because I picked up the phone and called her. I told her about the scary show and the noises in the ceiling. She suggested I might not want to watch scary shows in the dark. Thanks Mom! But what about my banging roof? I'll admit she calmed me down. I would have heard more noises if it was a person. So what if there's an animal up there. It's not coming down to get me.

Once I got off the phone I still heard the bangs. I went back to my computer and started a search about it. This article made me feel a little better. What really helped was when my oldest and best friend posted the following.

I saw this and realized I wasn't the only one dealing with these noises. It must have been happening all over the place. What a relief! I heard the bangs a few more times, but it didn't bother me. I don't know if my friend knew how much her post meant to be, but hopefully she knows now. Sometimes you just need to know there's someone else going through the same situation to make you feel like you can handle it. I love you, Mom for doing what you do best, trying to make me feel better. But there's nothing like knowing someone else has your same problem to fix you right up. It doesn't always work, but in this case it did. Best of all, I slept like a baby that night; without a care in the world.

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