Saturday, January 13, 2018

A Mirror and an Opposite

I think I drank more tea today than usual. It's probably because I spent the day shopping with my mom. But can a person really drink too much tea? Anyway, I'm not going to talk about shopping today. I want to talk about having a little sister. Having a little sister can be a different experience.

My sister is quite a bit younger than me. Let's just say over a decade younger. So when I was going about my teenage weirdness, she was toddling around the house. She just started school about the time I left for college. So much of my memories of her involve a little girl with high ponytails running around the house or playing with her toys. And I remember she really liked Strawberry Shortcake. :)

What's odd now is getting to know the adult she's become. And luckily we've had quite a few opportunities to hang out together. It's fun to see the similarities we have. We are both mothers. Hers are young and mine are older, but motherhood is the same. We both have jobs dealing with people who act like children. I think she gets cursed out more than I do, though. We both love the beach and spending time in the water. And getting a bargain is a great reason to shop for both of us.

I think the differences are what makes it fun to have a little sister. She's a blonde; I'm a red head. I love to cook and bake, but from my experience sis isn't as into it as I am. Although she did give me an amazing baking mat. It's the best thing ever for my biscuits and cookies. Sis carries her staple purse, Coach. I carry a Thirty-One purse. Hers is huge, mine is small. My sister has a good fashion sense. I'm always wondering if I should be wearing different shoes. Luckily for me I had her shopping with me when I bought my latest boots.

I think because she's younger, she knows more about current pop music than me. I know she was surprised to discover my lack of knowledge in that department. I know some current music, but mostly I listen to radio stations that play 80s music. What's wrong with that? It's good music. My sister's favorite boy band is New Kids on the Block. I actually prefer NSYNC and like Justin Timberlake's current music. My sister found this quite amusing. I don't know why. He brought sexy back! So every once in awhile, she'll send me a photo of Justin Timberlake like I a have a big crush on him or something. Or maybe she's just being funny. I know I laugh when I see them. But it's nice to keep in touch and have a laugh together.

So although it's different having a little sister. It sure can be fun. Too bad for you; she's MY sister.


  1. I love this perspective from a big sister! I am the little sister and I can tell you from my eyes, my sister's and I have a very large age gap as well 7 years gap. We fought like war banshees when they were living at home but for most of my pre teen and teen years I was the only one left at home from a mixed family of 7. As we have gotten older my sisters, all four of them, have become amazing role models and inspiring women to me whom I absolutely cherish and adore every moment I have with them when I get the opportunity. I love your blog my friend and in answer to your question...... There is always time for tea, you can never have too much!

  2. Lynn, how awesome to hear what it's like from the little sister side. I'm so glad my blog is reaching people. I wish I had more opportunities to spend time with my sister, but there's always technology to keep us together. I'm glad you like tea as much as me.
