Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Final Days of Vacation

Tomorrow I go back to work. Well, actually I go back to being a teacher. For those of you who aren't teachers, I'll tell you it's a strange metamorphosis. For two weeks I've just been me. And now I've got to put my brain back into gear and find my teacher mode.

Let me give you a little taste of it from today. I checked my emails and realized I better figure out what exact dates my students need to take an online test. I went through the duty roster and place mine on my computer calendar. I later checked my calendar to see if I was available for a workshop and messaged my principal that I was available. I searched through last semester's progress reports to make sure I knew which homeroom students were eligible for a reward.

And the funny thing is, that stuff was minor. Tomorrow I have get up during the dark, find some respectable clothes to wear and get out of the house around seven.  I have to adapt to 20 minute lunches and taking a bathroom break between classes. And through the course of the day teach about 100 students. I'm not complaining, I love my job, but what a change from the last two weeks! I've maybe seen two students on my break at the grocery store. We smile and wave and go on our merry way.

We've been working on energy in class. The students have started building paper roller coasters for a marble. We will examine the types of energy involved and calculate the speed of the marble. Some will be excited. Some will be frustrated. My hope is that we will all learn something that we can use later in life.

So as I enjoy this last evening of vacation, I look forward to the challenges and rewards that this next semester will bring. I'm a little excited and a little nervous. Right now I think I'll savor the moment. Until next time.

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