Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Love of a Grandpa

When I was young there was no one I'd rather spend time with than my grandpa. I look back at all the things we did together and listen to older relatives tell stories about us and I realize we had a special relationship. At one point in my life I remember thinking that he was probably the only man I ever truly and completely trusted.

My grandpa loved kids. He loved to hear me sing; he wanted to hear my stories. And when I learned the Big Mac ingredient jingle, he made me repeat it over and over. You can't help but love someone who's that interested in you.

Before I even started school we lived a few houses down from Grandma and Grandpa, just around the corner from their house. Mom used to tell us not to bother our grandparents as we (my brother and I) rode our tricycles on the sidewalk. But one time we get to the corner and guess who's standing around the corner at the end of his driveway-Yes, it was Grandpa! He waves us down there. And we shake our heads and say we can't go down there. He tells us he has some Twinkies and next thing you know, we are at his house. I don't remember getting into trouble for doing that, after all Twinkies are irresistible.

Grandpa was also the one who took me and my brother to St. Therese. This was his Catholic church and as a kid I thought it was great. We'd attend the service and then go downstairs to have donuts and milk. It was a great treat. Grandpa would introduce us to people and I felt we were making out like bandits. One Sunday morning I thought Grandpa forgot about church. At that time we were living in an apartment complex that he and Grandma were managing. I got so worried that I found my Mom's broom and hit the ceiling above where I thought his bedroom might be. What a silly goose! Grandpa didn't forget about church.

There were so many times Grandpa tried to get my brother and me to do crazy things. I laugh to myself every time I think about it. Once we were driving through the city park and Grandpa saw a wedding going on. He parked the car and told us to go over there and get some wedding cake. We said, "No! We don't know those people." He told us we could get some free cake. We didn't crash the wedding, but it was awesome that he tried to put us up to it.
Grandpa with my sons

One time I remember Grandpa himself did the crazy deed. We were in a department store and came across some instant cameras. Grandpa talked to the sales clerk and ended up taking a photo of us in the store. Somewhere we still have that photo. Just like that photo that's probably hanging around in one of Mom's old photo albums, Grandpa, too is still hanging around. Although he's not here in person anymore. He's still here in my memories. He's here every time I decide to do sometime silly. He's here when I fellowship with others. He'll always have a special place in my heart. I know people say that, but as I sit here typing with tears streaming down my face, I know for me that truly means something. And just like Grandpa means so much to me, I know I meant a lot to my Grandpa. I love you, Grandpa!

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