Friday, January 5, 2018

How to Keep Warm the Easy Way

It was almost balmy today. No hot tea for me today. :) I've actually been thinking about keeping warm. Well, it's been on the forefront of my mind lately.

If I could give you one piece of advice to help you save money and keep warm this winter, this is the blog for you. My advice?... Open your curtains and blinds! Seriously simple and seriously warm. Hopefully you have some windows on the east, west and south side. If so, you need to use solar power at its most basic.

You see, the sun produces radiant energy. This is visible through sunlight, but some is also invisible. When you allow the sun to come in through your windows, you actually trap that energy in your house. I'm not joking here. I'm sure sometime in your life, you've sat in the sun. Even if the temperature was low, sitting in the sun warms you up. Well guess what... it can also help warm your house.

Don't get me wrong and shut off your thermostat and expect sunlight to heat your house to a toasty temperature when it's freezing outside. It won't work. BUT, you can help your house warm up by allowing mother nature's warmth into your house. Another name for this is passive solar heating. You can read more here: Solar energy

When I know the sun is going to shine, before I leave the house I make sure to open the curtains. I also turn down the heat. There's no need to keep the temperature too warm when I'm not here to appreciate it. I did come home today to find the temperature in my house warmer than the temperature at which the thermostat was set. I hope this is information is beneficial to you today. Do you use passive solar energy? If so, post your results and tips in the comments.


  1. When you're opening your blinds, curtains and drapes don't forget to let your plants soak up some serious sunshine, too. They love it!

    1. So very true! Also make sure to give your plants so water. In turn they will give you some much needed oxygen.
