Thursday, January 11, 2018

Relatively Simple

Ah, there's nothing like peach tea in a beautiful cup. The day started at 54 degrees and right now it's 27 degrees. That's a cold front in the winter for you. School had an early release today due to potential winter weather so now I'm home.

I came home to a package at my door. It was my new simply fit board. After yesterday's discussion you probably think I'm crazy. Resolutions are unreliable, etc, etc, etc. And I do believe that. At the same time I'm always wanting to exercise in a fun way. If it was up to me I'd dance for exercise, but I haven't found a class or DVD that I love. If you know any dance exercises that are fun, please share.

 One day on Christmas vacation I saw this board advertised on television. One of the women from Shark Tank was promoting this fit board and it looked fun. I went online and found it on Amazon for almost $30. I was interested, but not that much. I watched a video about how to use it. I will say it looked easy and enjoyable. But I blew it off. Later when I wanted to search for it again, I forgot the name. Ha! That will teach me to use online bookmarks. Eventually I did find it online at a basic department store. "Aha!" I thought. I should do some searching. And I did. The best buy I found was an orange fit board at Target. As I read the reviews I really was starting to think this might be fun. So I ordered it about a week ago.

Notice the curve. It's a balancing act along with a twist. I mean a real twist. You twist. I popped in the DVD, got a chair beside me and stood on it. It wobbled forward and back as well as side to side. The reason it does this is to work your core muscles. The core includes muscles in the pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen. Although that's not all the muscles you can work on this board. But hey, it's a good starting place. I had to get off a few times and rearrange the board. I guess I was leaning one way or another. After a few minutes my legs were tired and I got off and rested. Later I found myself getting back on and I was a little better. I put the chair back and twisted some more. I'm nowhere near proficient on it, but it is fun and I expect to get some good use out of it.

I'm pretty sure the old adage holds true. Practice makes perfect. That will be me soon. Maybe not perfect, but much better than I am today. For those of you working on your health and exercise goals, good luck. It's never too late to try something new.

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