Wednesday, January 10, 2018

What Resolutions Really Mean

I don't think I could keep a New Year's resolution for my life. If my past is any indication, I can't. So this year, I'm not really trying. I think the problem is that resolutions involve good intentions. Now there's nothing wrong with good intentions. It's just too easy to over look those intentions. Like I should do the dishes tonight is my good intention. But I get sidetracked by my favorite television show, messages on Facebook and playing Candy Crush. Oops, I didn't do the dishes. Good intentions get you nowhere.

Reality check time; it takes 21 days for a habit to form. That habit can be good or bad. Although sometimes I think bad habits don't take so long to develop. So if you want to change your eating habits or how often you exercise, then you'd better set up a schedule for 3 weeks at the beginning. And then realize that 3 weeks will be difficult. But if you persevere those 21 days, it will be much easier.

These shouldn't be called resolutions, they should be called goals. Goals have an end result along with a plan on how to get there. Goals are measurable and require periodic checks on how you are progressing. And they can be altered. Resolutions seems like fluff when compared to real goals.

Now I guess I'll share my goal for 2018 with you. I plan to write more. That's it. Write more. Not write everyday. I've already blown that. Hey, some days I just don't have anything to say or am too busy living to write. I know that I can write more than last year, though. And I will. So let me take this time to thank you for reading. Please share some of your goals or past resolutions. I think we could all gain some insight from successes and failures of others.

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