Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Dirty Chicken Secret

Yum, green tea with pomegranate. It's still cold here, but warmer than yesterday. I'll take that. Today I got a hankering for some chicken. I have a few odd quirks about chicken. I love it, but hate dealing with bones. I like white meat over dark and I feel like germs are going all over the place every time I cook chicken.

I took a visit to New Orleans back in 2016. My first meal there was some fried chicken. It was great, even if it did have all the bones. What I really loved was all the sauces they provided. The hot sauce was delicious! When I cook up some chicken, I'm always trying to bring back the taste of New Orleans.

I always try to keep some frozen chicken in my freezer. I pull it out and defrost it in the microwave. While that's going, I heat up the fry daddy and mix up flour and seasonings along with an egg mixture.
Once the chicken is defrosted, I carefully remove it from the microwave. I say carefully because I freak out if some juice spills. I'm going to admit, I hate touching raw chicken. It's not because I'm grossed out or anything, but I can't stand the thought of raw chicken germs anywhere. I like my chicken cut up into bite sized pieces. I put them in the flour mixture, then the egg mixture and then back in the flour mixture before I place them in the hot oil. Then I immediately wash my hands. And then get them dirty again as I cut up more chicken. I swear I must wash my hands five to six times or more before I'm done with about 20 pieces of chicken.

In my attempt to get some cajun flavor, I make my own special dipping sauce. I put ranch dressing in a bowl with some hot sauce and cajun spices. Then I stir it all together. I don't really know how do make a blackened ranch, but it's a pretty good sauce if I do say so myself.


It was tasty. Now that I got my belly full, I had to rinse all the dishes with hot water and put them in the dishwasher. Because of all the germs I had to wipe down the counter with disinfecting wipes, toss my hand towel in the hamper and wash my hands again. I think my chicken is worth all the fuss. I just wished I wasn't so freaked out by raw chicken. Have you got any great chicken stories or recipes?I'd love to have you comment. Thanks for reading.
Now back to my tea. 

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